This project was a book for Ying Fantian that would be published under his name and the names of the editors. The book was to be oriented around the topic of modern materials and how they can be used in design tasks. Although the book was not well defined at the start of its writing, by the end it was to be something like a reference text designed to offer a standardized information model on the topic at hand.
My role on this project was as an assistant editor. My tasks were to help ensure that the English components were grammatically correct, to generate content at times and to offer suggestions on structure and style of the information used. In addition, I was extensively involved in the translation of parts of the text that started in Chinese.
This project was rather peculiar for a few reasons, but I guess the main one was that when I came aboard the task I was asked to do was to paraphrase an existing book on materials and put it in a usable format. It was then to be put directly into the project database. Following this, I was given another text with accompanying images and I was asked to extract articles again to expand our project database. These articles were slowly gaining Chinese counterparts as one of the other members of the lab translated them. At that time I was given the task of correcting other articles that had started in Chinese and then been put through the Google language tools to make them into rough English. I did a few single articles like this then just as I left the lab one Friday afternoon I was emailed a few documents accounting for about 200 such articles. I was going away that weekend and would not have my laptop so I spent most of that night working with another native English speaker from the international dormitory to translate as many as we could before I left. At the end of all this we had a huge bank of materials information in Chinese and English with images that had been sourced from a variety of locations including other books and undocumented websites. What I found peculiar here was not the fact that it was a lot of work to write a book, but that in China we did not have to make a bibliography or anything like that and we seemed not to have to think about credits on the images. On a few occasions I tried to ask if this was actually the case and the person I was working with would try not to understand as much as possible. (I am also guilty of having done this at times during my stay there.) I did not mind that I was participating in what we in the west call plagiarism - it was just an odd way of doing things and I was not too used to it, so I asked questions some times.
As it may sound, I was not well informed about some aspects of this project, and was not involved in it's management at all. The person in charge was not in the lab and the person in the lab working on the project was doing all she could to fix things up in the time frame and with a small budget. She was basically doing everything except the English half, which is what I did. She was not the best of project managers and most of the time I had no idea what was going to happen next.
I think this project changed the way I look at books. Firstly, it made me realize that writing a hundred pages is not that hard. Secondly, I was shown firsthand just how useful it is to have good information sources. Thirdly, I was exposed to back-end practices and fourthly, it was made clear how not to do a project like this in the future. Being a design student who has trouble sleeping because I often can't stop working, I was continually thinking about ways to do this task better and ways to make it more useful for the end user. Sadly, I was not able to do much to affect these aspects as the project was quite rushed and I had very little say.
In the end I think the book has not yet been published. I am not in the information chain on this project so I may never know what's actually to come of it.