Please read this if you are new to the blog!

There is further explanation of this blog on the My China Reflections Website, please visit it before reading too much more. Also please keep in mind that you should really start reading from the beginning which means here, and work your way forward in time. Thanks, Mark


First (Illness and Australians)

I am a sickly person so after a few days of not eating and changing flavours of air I fell ill to something like a cold. I spent the day in bed and rejected an offer for lunch with Jiang Hao and some unknown girl.

Later that afternoon I got another invitation by Eugene to dinner and because I was feeling a bit better and hungry I went along. At dinner I met some of his new friends, a group of Australians from UTS. They were all there studying Chinese, although a few of them were already quite proficient. At that point I did not know much about people in Sydney so I was a little skeptical.

At the end of the meal they asked me to join them all in drinking but I was still not that well so I went back to bed.
