Please read this if you are new to the blog!

There is further explanation of this blog on the My China Reflections Website, please visit it before reading too much more. Also please keep in mind that you should really start reading from the beginning which means here, and work your way forward in time. Thanks, Mark


Waiting for Appointment

After having met with Ying Fantian I was told that I could move into a lab soon. However, I did not have a good way to contact people at ZJU so for a week or so I had no appointment. This was not a problem as I had only just arrived and was happy to look around Hangzhou more, settle in a little more and make some more friends. And that is what I did. I visited many of the attraction around Hangzhou and started getting a hang of the eating and shopping scene. I also made a lot more friends from all over the world, especially Korea. At this point I was not meeting a lot of Chinese people however that would change a lot in the weeks to come.
