Please read this if you are new to the blog!

There is further explanation of this blog on the My China Reflections Website, please visit it before reading too much more. Also please keep in mind that you should really start reading from the beginning which means here, and work your way forward in time. Thanks, Mark


Settling In

For the first few days in China I had still not eaten for some reason. It was not that I was sick or anything, I was just too busy not eating and walking or sleeping or laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, to actually eat. This may seem strange but in fact I did not realize that I had not had a meal until a few days later. I had bought a few little pieces of food, like a piece of bread, or some yogurt but that was it.

Apart from not eating, I spent my time as might be imagined. The first day I thought it would be nice to see West Lake and, having a relatively good natural sense of direction, I set out to walk there. I walked in a large square that I thought should intersect the lake early on. I found out later that the stadium near the school was actually round and I had walked around it a little too far. So my square of walking that afternoon completely avoided the lake and instead took to some parts of Hangzhou that I would frequent later in my stay.

The rest of these days was spent on the internet or, as I said, sleeping and laying on my bed.
