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Comunication Confusion

After "settling in" and eventually starting to eat again, I remembered that I used to talk to people sometimes. At that time I could not remember who but I know that I did talk to people and for some reason I almost missed the feeling. My parents would call me on a daily basis as I had no way to call them because I did not know how the phone system worked. I could talk to them, but the inkling I had, had reminded me of a time when I would talk to other people as well.

After a few days I thought language might cause a problem. I had mutually communicated with about 3 people since landing, including ones in other countries. The two people in China that I knew at that point were Ying Fantian and Fan Ginsong. Ying, my to-be director was in Australia on holiday and Fan lives in another province. Ying was to come to town a week later and sort everything out then.

I could not talk to people. I wanted to find a solution that would let me talk to people, so I started thinking about switching to Fan's university where he told me there were a number of master students who would speak some English. Obviously I did not end up doing this, as eventually I got a response from a few more of my contacts.

1 条评论:

Britt 说...

That would have been quite hard, not speaking the language and needing/wanting to communicate with others.